Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Meat and Potatoes

It took a while - longer than intended! - but Short Sharp Shock has published a collection of novellas: Meat and Potatoes (check it out here:

Congratulations to Marjorie Page, Vicki Winslow and John Woodington, the three featured authors! Dozens of writers submitted work and the standard was higher than expected. So, a successful "first" volume of S3 completed...

I say "first" because it's also the last. S3 is shutting down. It's been a pleasure reading the work of so many talented people, and it's wonderful to see first-hand the enthusiasm out there for the novella-form. But, to be blunt, this was always a labour of love, and this particular love turned out to be more of a crush! I'm going to devote my writing and editing skills to my own work, and my limited reading time to my ever-growing collection of books. Selfish, I realize, but nothing mean-spirited about it -- just a finite amount of time/resources and too many projects and priorities that trump S3.

If you've submitted to S3, I thank you, and wish you well in your pursuit of publication.

Best regards,
The Editor

Monday, March 7, 2011

Not accepting submissions

S3 is closed to submissions. We wish you all the best in your pursuit of novella publication.